Evolution 3 – Multiplatform e-Learning Solution
Abto Software helped develop a new version of Evolution 3, one of the most groundbreaking e-learning Content Management Systems and authoring tools.
Our customer CBTL GmbH, a leading German provider of high-quality complete learning solutions, is responsible for concept and design documents.
The customer’s original system was developed on Flash platform, though to satisfy the market demands the system needed a mobile platform too. To avoid writing the code twice for two different platforms (mobile and Flash) Abto Software specialists developed a special solution for converting the source code written in Java (for GWT technology) to ActionScript 3 (for Flex). This tool helps substantially minimize the differences between the two platforms, facilitate and speed up the development process. As a result of the system now supports not only usual web and desktop solutions but mobile web solutions too.
Evolution 3 allows creating various single- or multilingual and multicultural online learning courses, tests for controlling students’ knowledge and showing interactive presentations. By means of the Evolution 3 system, you can also design your own produce individual course templates to suit your business corporate standards.
The Evolution 3 application offers the following possibilities:
- creating a set of tests varying in scale and complexity with answer choice
- creating various exercises
- programming different scores rate for every exercise
- creating interactive presentations for learning purposes.
The system has its own framework and consists of such modules:
- Evohome — user’s homepage where he can choose a course for editing; meant for two platforms.
- Editor — a special module for learning materials creation; meant for one platform.
- Player — a module for playing created learning materials; meant for two platforms.
Evolution 3 is a great multiplatform solution developed specifically for the e-Learning domain needs. It enables you to easily and fast create your simple course templates and projects or complex learning media using the EVOLUTION3 editors, thus, helping you optimize your team capabilities and business results.