VB6 migration

Why compromise data security when you can migrate to more modern platforms?
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With the domain-specific knowledge and experience in providing application modernization and migration, Abto Software is the perfect partner for forward-looking business leaders, Fortune Global 200 Corporations among them.

We migrate legacy applications to help strategic-thinking decision-makers move towards business digitization and mitigate the risks associated with Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0.

We handle VB6 to C# and VB6 to NET migration enabling integration, security, compatibility, and longevity. From detailed business consulting to investigation, planning, conversion, as well as support and maintenance, we perform smooth legacy application migration to ensure our partners enjoy greater business performance after abandoning Microsoft VB.

Why approach VB6 migration

VB6 has long been a widespread programming language, first introduced in the late 90’s, and had great impact. By providing a low learning curve and ease of use, Visual Basic 6 gained valid popularity across industries and is still being actively utilized.

VB6 support was discontinued in 2008, which means VB6 software isn’t receiving regular updates and patches. That means security vulnerabilities, compatibility and integration issues, regulatory incompliance, and other undesired challenges coming with Visual Basic 6.0 applications.

So, is VB6 to .NET migration worth it?

VB6 software legacy challenges

Those organizations still using VB6 software, might struggle with the following challenges:

  • Insufficient performance
  • Limited functionality and scalability
  • Security vulnerabilities
  • Compatibility issues

VB6 migration to harness:

  • Higher performance and efficiency
  • Expanded functionality and scalability
  • Improved security through updates and patches
  • Enhanced compatibility across platforms and devices
  • Long-term support and maintenance
  • Cloud compatibility

One of the perhaps biggest challenges to relying on legacy VB6 applications is their potential incompatibility. Because they’re in their end-of-life stage, VB6 programs do not always integrate with more modern platforms such as .NET Core.

Another challenge – the number of experienced software developers that possess VB6 expertise is decreasing. Most coders have switched to learning and working with Java, .NET Core, and other contemporary technology, as maintaining VB6 software is now becoming irrelevant.

The key to resolving these challenges – a thought-out legacy application migration strategy.

VB6 expertise

Visual Basic is an already outdated programming language, and more sensitive loopholes are found every day. Overflowed buffers, insufficient encryption, no secure coding standards, no secure communication protocols, and limited security libraries are just the most common challenges to expect when using VB6 IDE Windows 11 and other Windows versions.

As per CVE reports, Visual Basic security vulnerabilities are rated with 9.3 – a score considered critical.

To resolve these challenges and assist business leaders approaching modernization, our company can provide the following VB6 services:

Application re-engineering
Application re-architecting
Data migration and integration
Software migration to IaaS/PaaS/SaaS

Contact us to explore Abto Software’s legacy application migration services – VB6 convert to C# or .NET.

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VB6 migration, our approach

To successfully migrate VB6 to C# or .NET, we perform:

  • VB6 migration project discovery
    Legacy assessment to understand application complexity and dependencies
    Feasibility and scope determination
  • VB6 modernization project planning
    Migration planning to agree on resources, risk management, and timeline
    Technology selection to decide on architecture
  • Environment preparation – for example, to smoothly migrate VB6 to .NET, we begin with the environment setup
  • Code conversion – to successfully convert VB6 to C#, we handle:
    Code conversion using either automated or manual rewriting
    Code refactoring to align with current best practices
  • Data access layer migration
  • API integration and management
  • Thorough testing (unit testing and user acceptance testing among others)
  • Application deployment
  • Post-deployment support and maintenance
  • Performance monitoring and optimization
Belt-drive systems engineering toolkit

Belt-drive systems engineering toolkit

Working on this project, we modernized mathematically complex legacy applications.

Abto Software was contracted to migrate outdated technologies (VBA, VB6, and LISP) to the .NET framework. After converting the existing legacy product, we provided cross-platform compatibility and implemented advanced functionality to streamline business productivity.

Our client now enjoys:

  • Lower license costs
  • Resolved runtime issues
  • Optimized employee training
  • Minimized maintenance costs

Contact us to handle code conversion, from research and documentation to planning, assessment, preparation, and meticulous VB6 to .NET performance optimization.

Read more

CRM upgrade, from desktop to cloud

Involved in this project, we handled CRM modernization to make the software more convenient and reliable.

Abto Software has entered the project to cover CRM modernization and benefit 14 offices all over the globe. We provided VB6 to .NET migration, UI/UX improvements, CRM integrations, and centralization and migration to cloud.

Our client immediately obtained:

  • An enterprise-level CRM software for straightforward remote workflows
  • Intuitive and responsive design
  • Improved performance
  • Enhanced security and sustainability
  • Process automation
  • Hassle-free maintenance

Contact us to cover code conversion without disruption, from consulting to planning, code and data migration, and additional VB6 to .NET security enhancements.

Read more
CRM upgrade, from desktop to cloud

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