Inventory (intranet application)
Upon the request of our American customer, an online store, Abto Software team developed an application for inventory management with typical functionality. Our experts provided the services including design, development, administration, and support.
The application’s main features:
- fully customizable
- allowing to invoice and track orders
- reports are easy to prepare and export to Excel
- email notification when the quantity of items is close to zero
- gives the possibility for random multiple access (RMA) – 10 levels of access
- front end automatic synchronization
- ability to synchronize with the online store web site.
Custom development projects by Abto
Business intelligence for data-driven ERP system
Our data analytics team developed Business Intelligence module for our partner, a retail ERP provider. The BI is fully integrated and generates business insight to support better financial and operati
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ERP System Migration: Transfer Legacy ERP to Web
Results of ERP system migration for business, ERP data migration plan and realization, challenges, team and technologies.
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Banking & Finance
Financial Planning Software with Advisor for Small Business Owners
The system is highly efficient, fast, automated, and has all the answers to your questions, simple like where your money went, how much you have earned and will earn in a few months, and advanced like
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