Abto Funds Microsoft Certifications For Staff
Being concerned of its staff’s professional level, Abto Software regularly funds Microsoft Certification Courses. We strive to provide our specialists the possibility to obtain in-depth knowledge in various software development domains.
We are proud to announce that some of our developers have successfully passed an exam on Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 and got a MCTS certificate. Among the candidates for this exam were professional web developers utilizing Microsoft Visual Studio.
To pass this exam, candidates had to follow some requirements:
- possess at least 3-4 years experience in web-based applications development using Visual Studio and Microsoft ASP.NET;
- В have fundamental knowledge of the .NET Framework 4 programming languages (C# or Microsoft Visual Basic);
- В be experienced users of Visual Studio 2008 and have understanding of applying Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4 new features.
Abto IT professionals and managers understand numerous scalable rewards that Microsoft certifications bring to them and the company they work for. These certifications provide our developers with validation of their skills and knowledge. They also give our specialists the possibility to grow professionally and try themselves both in the new areas of software development and new challenging projects.